Officer Noye (Bottom)

Thanks to our inaugural members from 2020 and new members in 2021, we have added 70 hours of patrol per week. With 585 SENP members in 2021 we have enough funds to go from 55 hours per week which began in the fall of 2020 to 60-70 hours per week, depending on officer availability.
Adding more patrol hours requires us to add new officers. Please welcome Officer Margarito Gonzalez and Officer D’Vonyotto K. Noye to Schreiber Expanded Neighborhood Patrol. When you see them patrolling our neighborhood please make them feel welcome with a smile and a wave!
We now have a total of 8 officers patrolling the areas from Midway to Inwood and Forest Lane to 635. Our officers patrol 7 days a week in four hour shifts. Some days we have multiple shifts, including four overnight shifts.
If you see our patrol officers parked for long periods of time, it may not be our SENP officers on duty. We have recently learned that some of our SENP patrol officers prefer coming back to our area to fill our their regular duty DPD reports because they consider this a safe neighborhood in which to complete that activity. Please be assured that the SENP Board President has regular communication with our SENP DPD coordinator and SENP officers. Officers check in each time they’re on shift by texting the Board President when on duty.
If you see anything suspicious, please call 911 first to report and then call the SENP patrol cell. If you leave a message or text and don’t hear back, please send an email to [email protected] so we can address this with the officers.
Thanks again for joining SENP.