Starting an organization such as Schreiber Expanded Neighborhood Patrol is just like starting a business. We have organized a Board of Directors, developed Bylaws, have a bank account and post office box, applied for and received not-for-profit status by the Office of the Secretary of State, created marketing materials, consulted with attorneys, accountants, website developers, security & technology experts and other ENPs, vetted police officers, obtained sponsors and found many volunteers including Leads and Street Coordinators who have rallied their neighbors to generate interest in joining SENP. Most of our Board, Leads, Street Coordinators and Volunteers have full time jobs and others have household, family and other obligations, so as you can imagine, getting this ENP going had to be done in between life’s challenges and coordinated with varying schedules.
Our goal is to have the best Expanded Neighborhood Patrol possible and we hope we will have accomplished that goal with the launch of Schreiber Expanded Neighborhood Patrol. We need the help of the entire community to be successful in this first year. The more neighbors who sign on, the more hours we can afford for patrol hours. Please spread the word. Share our website with all you know who live in the Schreiber Neighborhood Community.
Thank you to all of our Board Members, Leads, Street Coordinators, and Volunteers for all the help you have provided and especially for the support and words of encouragement along the way.
The saying,” It Takes a Village” is exactly right and applies to our launch of SENP. I heard something the other day that rang true as well: “Anything worth doing is not always easy.” Truer words have never been spoken! But we did it and hopefully are community will be safer as a result.